Sabine Knierim Tribouillier
Service portfolio PersonalAG
Recruiting for C-Level, executives, specialists, interim managers
Separation management including LeadProviding
More than 20 years of responsibility in international personnel development and recruitment. Occupational psychologist, studied in Regensburg and Paris, graduated from the Sorbonne, Paris, trilingual, German and French nationality. Started in further education and training, took over the management of the institute, changed to the responsibility for HR development and recruitment at French market leaders as well as at hidden champions in the industries of distribution and trade with precious metals. As HR Senior Consultant in charge of filling management positions mainly with a technological background with a focus on industry, including the automotive supply industry, mechanical engineering, chemicals. For more than 15 years she has realized a multitude of different European-wide HR and recruitment projects on top management and board level - often and gladly on the German-French axis, as well as coaching of expatriates. Initiator and speaker for intercultural seminars in companies as well as in the corporate and university environment. Since 2009 self-employment based in France with focus on strategic HR consulting on executive level and coaching.