1/9 Directory

Many linked keywords from A-Z around HR on demand, separation, recruiting and coaching HR.


2/9 Our product portfolio

ranges from recruiting, interim, HR on demand to coaching for HR managers.


3/9 Our USP

What distinguishes us from other providers and their consulting services in the long term.


4/9 Recruiting

for specialists and executives (PremiumSearch) with unique separation of interests.


5/9 InterimProviding

supports the success in the interaction between company and interim manager until the end.


6/9 HR on demand

is available in the forms of consulting, project, restructuring, interim or succession coaching.


7/9 Separation management

includes both prevention and fair and future-oriented separation.


8/9 Coaching for HR

after career leaps, extraordinary projects as well as strategy, diplomacy and politics.


9/9 Job search for HR

we support with our NewPlacement-Coaching until success or with guarantee.


About us

For around 30 years, our SeniorPartners have been supporting HR managers in companies with recruiting, interim, HR on demand, separation management and coaching HR. Our SeniorPartners distinguish themselves through their high-level experience in executive and management positions and networking with external partners. Thus, we find the right partner and the adequate solution for almost every HR project assignment.

1/5>> Short history

As early as 1992, our founder Gerd Löffler laid the foundation stone by setting up his own business as a personnel consultant.


2/5 (Unique) Selling Proposition

PersonalAG has already been focusing on sound individuality with a strategic approach instead of standards for around 30 years.


3/5 Mission

PersonalAG stands for support and coaching of human resources in companies on demand.


4/5 Our positioning

For around 30 years, we have stood for individuality, holism, reliability and innovation.


5/5 Our guidelines

Innovative methodology, exclusive senior partners and co-owners, broad and deep industry and functional expertise, and sustainable networks in a learning organization.
