1/9 Directory

Many linked keywords from A-Z around HR on demand, separation, recruiting and coaching HR.


2/9 Our product portfolio

ranges from recruiting, interim, HR on demand to coaching for HR managers.


3/9 Our USP

What distinguishes us from other providers and their consulting services in the long term.


4/9 Recruiting

for specialists and executives (PremiumSearch) with unique separation of interests.


5/9 InterimProviding

supports the success in the interaction between company and interim manager until the end.


6/9 HR on demand

is available in the forms of consulting, project, restructuring, interim or succession coaching.


7/9 Separation management

includes both prevention and fair and future-oriented separation.


8/9 Coaching for HR

after career leaps, extraordinary projects as well as strategy, diplomacy and politics.


9/9 Job search for HR

we support with our NewPlacement-Coaching until success or with guarantee.


HR on demand

The "HR on demand" service can take the form of consulting, project, restructuring, in-house interim work (freelance, salaried) or succession coaching on a cyclical or fixed-term basis. Only managers with years of HR leadership experience are used.

Our understanding

"HR on demand" can take the form of consulting, project, restructuring, in-house interim activity or succession coaching on a cyclical or fixed-term basis.


0. human resources strategy

The captain on the bridge must always be the company HR manager. We see ourselves as a provider of ideas, collaborator and sparring partner at eye level.


1. organizational development

Organizational development shows a wide spectrum from restructuring, harmonization, process improvements and outsourcing to KAIZEN, Kanban and TQM.


2. personnel marketing

A (global) employer branding concept to increase employer attractiveness is becoming increasingly important in view of the shortage of suitable applicants and to increase employee loyalty.


3. personnel 4.0 / AI

The digitalization of work and changes in the world of work with the flexibilization of working hours and work location through to crowdworking and networking as well as DSGVO are HR mandatory topics.


Personnel recruitment and development

4. personnel planning

Even if you do not have the gift of seeing into the future, the mental foresight of future personnel requirements of a medium-term or long-term nature is strategically very important.


5. personnel procurement

Searching in tight markets makes you inventive. Social media and employees as recruiters are just 2 trends. Sound decision tools are in demand, because miscasts sometimes cost more than a year's salary.


6. personnel development

Often, other information opens up to the external recruiter, which is very important in "career planning". Appropriate coaching can open up new possibilities in this regard.


7. personnel support

Advising GFs, professionals and executives on all HR-specific and HR-related issues including conflict, health and information management and others.


8. remuneration systems

Much of a company's business revolves around money. Buzzwords such as "absolute satisfaction" and "relative dissatisfaction" are on the minds of every HR manager in the company. The introduction or modification ...


Operational human resources

Coaching on demand HR

We offer HR managers coaching on demand for career leaps, extraordinary projects and in relation to diplomacy and politics.


9. personnel administration

This topic is often taken for granted by other areas and management, even though it is existential for the company.


10. tariff environment

The collective agreement is concluded between the collective bargaining partners of the business associations and trade union. The collective agreement bindingly regulates the working conditions ...


11. staff reduction

Despite a booming economy, redundancies or plant closures with a social plan and reconciliation of interests may occur in some areas. For this purpose, external service providers must be managed or managed by us.


12. international context

The internationalization of business is steadily increasing. Relocation of jobs to the company's own Eastern European plants or other internationalizations are increasingly challenging HR managers.
