5. personnel recruitment

Tabular overview 5
Recruitment always puts the HR manager under time pressure. Shortly after the requirements for the target person have been agreed with the specialist department, one is already "pressed" for appropriate applicant documents and initial interviews. The HR manager has to cushion the time delays in tight search markets. Applicants who have been pushed in without a professional basis do not create a delay here. If necessary, external partners can help in this situation, especially through direct approaches.

Tabular overview 5


5 1 Prerequisite - "best place to work
5 2 Requirements
5 - Company
5 - Competences Applicants
5 - Job matching
5 3 Recruitment / Basics
5 4 Systematic creation and standardization of functional / requirement profiles
5 - Job profiles, job descriptions
5 - Function groups and job families
5 - Applicant profiles
5 5 Recruitment / Ways
5 6 DirectSearch; active approach of applicants
5 7 Active sourcing
5 8 Personnel marketing, recruitment concepts and campaigns
5 9 University marketing
5 10 Representing the company at job fairs
5 11 Recruitment in narrow markets (e.g. IT, technicians, specialists, engineers with special knowledge)
5 12 Recruitment focus: General managers, specialists and executives
5 13 Recruitment / Selection
5 14 Conducting personal selection and job interviews, hiring decisions
5 15 Selection / appointment of international managers / key positions
5 16 Design / implementation of assessment and development centers
5 17 AC: development of requirement profiles, interview guidelines and observer training courses
5 18 Introduction of internet-based psychological aptitude tests (psychological tests)
5 19 Potential assessments and online-based potential analyses
5 - BIP, MBTI, OPQ32, PI, Reflector Big Five, etc.
5 20 Management Diagnostics
5 21 Management audits for executives
5 22 Purchase of services
5 - Employee leasing
5 - Consultant
5 - Interim manager
5 - Contracts for work, contract labor
5 - Business, legal and personnel consultants