4. personnel planning and controlling

Tabular overview 4
Even if you do not have the gift of seeing into the future, the mental foresight of future personnel requirements of a medium-term or long-term nature can help you identify what actions need to be taken in the personnel area. We can help you in the following areas of personnel planning:

  • Workforce planning
  • Personnel requirements planning
  • Personnel deployment planning
  • Personnel recruitment planning
  • Personnel reduction planning
  • Personnel development planning
  • Personnel cost planning

Personnel planning covers all employees of the company with regard to personnel recruitment and personnel deployment.
Personnel controlling

We support you in setting up personnel controlling. For a reasonable personnel planning you also need a meaningful personnel controlling in human resources management. Controlling combines the process of planning, monitoring and controlling with the supply of information in human resources management. The orientation of personnel controlling can be strategic (long-term), tactical (medium-term) and operational (short-term).
Analysis of personnel key figures

We determine and analyse the following personnel key figures for your company:
Personnel structure

Worker ratio, employee ratio, executive ratio, female ratio, severely disabled ratio, foreigner ratio, ratio of older employees, qualification ratio, age ratio, seniority ratio
Working hours

Absenteeism ratio, sickness ratio, sick leave ratio, overtime ratio, effective working time ratio
Personnel movements

Fluctuation ratio, retention ratio, ratio of internal staffing, transfer ratio, hiring ratio, hiring ratio, ratio of demand coverage
Personnel costs
Personnel cost ratio, personnel base cost ratio, additional personnel cost ratio, personnel costs per employee, personnel costs per hour, personnel intensity, personnel controlling
Analysis of
personnel costs
Personnel cost planning is important for a company because many different costs are incurred in the personnel area, which must be planned for the cost accounting in the next business year. In many cases, personnel costs represent the largest cost block of the total costs. Therefore, you should take a closer look at the personnel costs. We can help you determine and analyze personnel costs using the following key figures: Personnel costs, personnel base costs, additional personnel costs ratio, personnel costs per employee, personnel costs per hour, personnel intensity.
Personnel absenteeism

We help you find pragmatic solutions to reduce absenteeism - until the termination of the employment relationship. The first step is to systematically record absenteeism. We help you build a database. Some effective factors are:

  • Return-to-work interviews after absences due to illness.
  • Annual or semi-annual evaluation of the absenteeism record
  • Targeted employee discussions in the case of frequent illnesses or long-term illnesses

The certificate of incapacity for work, what options do you have as an employer? May an employee be deployed despite incapacity for work? Continued payment of remuneration - when and how can you refuse it? Drawing up a company agreement on the consistent reduction of absenteeism.

Tabular overview 4

4 0 Personnel planning
4 1 Corporate planning / budgeting
4 - Headcount
4 - Total Remuneration / Total Personnel Cost Planning
4 - Reconciliation & commentary of planning with international
4 2 Reports, Analysis & Comments
4 3 Forecasts and Latest Estimate
4 4 External & internal audits
4 5 Job planning, succession planning, demographics
4 Development/controlling of a key performance indicator system
4 6 Key figures
4 - Sickness rate
4 - Fluctuation rate
4 - Employment structure / Diversity statistics
4 - Age Structure of the Workforce
4 - Length of service
4 - Personnel capacities
4 - Average number of overtime hours
4 - Average personnel expenses per capita
4 - Total compensation development
4 - Employee satisfaction with the company
4 ... and ...
4 - Training days and costs per employee, average compensation per FTE, total costs per FTE, number of applicants/advertisements, ...
4 7 Analysis of personnel key figures and costs incl. variance analyses
4 8 Headcount reporting
4 9 Capacity and restructuring planning
4 - Personnel expansion and reduction planning
4 - Systemic implementation