Werner Lessmann

Service portfolio PersonalAG
Separation management including LeadProviding
25 years of professional and management experience in the IT and media world, study of data processing and then classic career at GfK SE (Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung) in Nuremberg as a media specialist and IT specialist in the areas of IT, market and media research. According to the motto "There's magic in every beginning", built up and managed two completely new internationally operating profit centers. As Chief Information Officer (CIO), gained further management experience in a highly complex environment of a market characterized by tight political guidelines. As a result, he acquired an in-depth knowledge of human nature, which formed the foundation for balancing divergent interests, defining and implementing common goals and, last but not least, achieving highly regarded sales successes. Today, targeted use of this wealth of experience for the benefit of clients and passionate support in overcoming obstacles on the way to a new beginning. Distinct knowledge of human behavior in personal as well as in business relationships gives clients a space to reflect on their situation and set out for "new magic".